A Life Story From Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia
Lucky Lukmansyah
“Bismilahi Rahmani Rahim” This is the first sentence that usualy I say in every starting activity. The sentence above is always recommeded by my religion, Islam. It means tha Allah is most gracious and most merciful.
Here I am. Lucky Lukmansyah. Now I am 33 years old. I life in Padang, West Sumatera, Republic Of Indonesia. I love Padang city. That is why untill now, today, i still life in Padang. I born here, and grow up here.
I give you a picture about Padang here below:

I just say you that i love Padang. Love the Padangnese. Only that akan say you. There are some reason why say that:
1. Now I am married. My wife is Delvi Wahyuni. She is Minangkabaunese, an ethnic people who most live in Padang.
2. Years ago, before married, i wanted to leave Padang city to make a living in other states (Province), expectingly going abroad, like Australia, the close “western country” from Indonesia. I got a problem with financial a that time. You now, I come from low middle class society. My Parent have 5 children, including me. we were still in study, we need much expence to enrole our study. So consecuently, i could not expect my parent to help me for montly money. I had to work to get the money for my life, and my school fee.
3. I had enrolled a study at English Teaching Department in Universtas Negeri Padang. While i was studying, I worked as an English private teacher for childern, usually i did it at night. Sometime, I teached at a particular English Course in Padang. You know, being teacher in Padang could not be expected to be wealhty. Only little payment that I had by teaching. But I still thank to the god, that I could have money in pocket.
4. In time, I was almost completing my study in UNP, Universitas Negeri Padang, at that time I met girl friend. Her name Delvi Wahyuni, now she my wife. We got a very serious relationship. Delvi was not a student, she was a lecturer, teaching staff in my faculty. I and her are at same ages. Sory, I forgot telling you that I had many trouble in conducting my study, that is why, at the age of 26 I was still in college. I and Delvi commited to married. Yes, I asked her to wait me until I graduate my study. Delvi did not want to wait me. She expected me to marry her soon. And finally, I agreed and marry her.
That is four reason, why I love Padang: in conclusion, I could leave Padang because I must here. Than.... I have lot of story to tell you. But now i have to stop the story, I got something to do now. See you than. Bye. (Lucky Lukmansyah)
Lucky Lukmansyah
“Bismilahi Rahmani Rahim” This is the first sentence that usualy I say in every starting activity. The sentence above is always recommeded by my religion, Islam. It means tha Allah is most gracious and most merciful.
Here I am. Lucky Lukmansyah. Now I am 33 years old. I life in Padang, West Sumatera, Republic Of Indonesia. I love Padang city. That is why untill now, today, i still life in Padang. I born here, and grow up here.
I give you a picture about Padang here below:

I just say you that i love Padang. Love the Padangnese. Only that akan say you. There are some reason why say that:
1. Now I am married. My wife is Delvi Wahyuni. She is Minangkabaunese, an ethnic people who most live in Padang.
2. Years ago, before married, i wanted to leave Padang city to make a living in other states (Province), expectingly going abroad, like Australia, the close “western country” from Indonesia. I got a problem with financial a that time. You now, I come from low middle class society. My Parent have 5 children, including me. we were still in study, we need much expence to enrole our study. So consecuently, i could not expect my parent to help me for montly money. I had to work to get the money for my life, and my school fee.
3. I had enrolled a study at English Teaching Department in Universtas Negeri Padang. While i was studying, I worked as an English private teacher for childern, usually i did it at night. Sometime, I teached at a particular English Course in Padang. You know, being teacher in Padang could not be expected to be wealhty. Only little payment that I had by teaching. But I still thank to the god, that I could have money in pocket.
4. In time, I was almost completing my study in UNP, Universitas Negeri Padang, at that time I met girl friend. Her name Delvi Wahyuni, now she my wife. We got a very serious relationship. Delvi was not a student, she was a lecturer, teaching staff in my faculty. I and her are at same ages. Sory, I forgot telling you that I had many trouble in conducting my study, that is why, at the age of 26 I was still in college. I and Delvi commited to married. Yes, I asked her to wait me until I graduate my study. Delvi did not want to wait me. She expected me to marry her soon. And finally, I agreed and marry her.
That is four reason, why I love Padang: in conclusion, I could leave Padang because I must here. Than.... I have lot of story to tell you. But now i have to stop the story, I got something to do now. See you than. Bye. (Lucky Lukmansyah)
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